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Annual GESC Permit Information

Permit Structure for Directional Boring Utility Installation

In an effort to streamline the permitting process, an Annual GESC Permit for Direction Boring will be effective for qualifying projects. Project Owners can apply for an Annual GESC Permit and obtain authorization to conduct the activity without an individual permit.

Who qualifies?

Dry utility projects that utilize the directional boring installation method with minor trenching connections (less than 18-inches wide) will be permitted utilizing the SEMSWA Annual Permit.

How do I obtain an Annual Permit?

Project Owners must apply for the permit on a calendar year basis, and will note ALL contractors that are allowed to work under their Annual Permit on the permit form.  Please see the download links on the right side of this page.

What plans do I need to submit?

Since dry utility directional boring projects are routine and standardized, SEMSWA provides Typical Detail plans with standard notes (see download section). Contractors working under the Annual Permit are required to utilize these documents, but are not required to prepare any other plans for submittal to SEMSWA.

How much does the permit cost?

Please see our Fee Schedule for annual permit costs.

How can I find out more information about the Annual Permit?

SEMSWA has prepared an Annual Permit Guidance Document, GESC Considerations for Dry Utility Annual Permits, a Standard Operating Procedure for Directional Boring Utility Installation, and a Typical Detail with standard notes, available on the right side of this page under Downloads.