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Permit Structure and Information

In an effort to make the floodplain permitting process more efficient and accommodating to consultants for certain routine projects that cause no impacts to the floodplain within the City of Centennial and Arapahoe County, SEMSWA has created the Annual Floodplain Development Permit.   

What utility work is covered?

The Annual Floodplain Development Permit for Utility Installation and Utility Bores covers directional boring, minor trenching (less than 18’ wide) and potholing in the floodplain.  Projects that involve the placement of fill or permanent structures constructed in the floodplain are not allowed under this permit and would require a separate Floodplain Development Permit

What are the submittal requirements?

In addition to a permit application, a list of utility projects that are anticipated to be completed within the period of time covered by the annual floodplain permit will need to be submitted (part of the permit application) as well as a map showing each project location and extent of construction.  Please see the Permit Special Considerations section of the Annual Floodplain Development Permit for Utility Installation and Utility Bores for all regulations and associated requirements.   

How can I find out more about the Annual Flooplain Development Permit?

For questions concerning the Annual Floodplain Development Permits, please contact the SEMSWA Floodplain Department at 303-858-8844 or Email