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Analysis of the Impact or No Impact to the Floodplain

  • To determine whether or not the proposed project will cause an impact on the floodplain may entail a Floodplain Modification Study or Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR).
  • If the proposed project will not cause an impact to the floodplain, then a No Impact Floodplain Development Permit (FPDP) would be required.   An Engineer’s Certification of No Impact is required for this type of FPDP; please use one of the following templates:
Floodplain No Impact Letter Template-revised2021Approximate Floodplain No Impact Letter Template-revised2021


  • If the proposed project will cause an impact to the floodplain, a standard FPDP will be required.
  • If the proposed project will cause an impact to a FEMA regulated floodplain, a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) will be required to be submitted and approved by FEMA prior to approval of the FPDP. – See CLOMR and LOMR checklists below.