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2019 GESC Manual

The Grading, Erosion and Sediment Control Manual describes the permitting program adopted by SEMSWA to promote environmentally sound construction practices in the City of Centennial through implementation of a GESC Permitting Program that meets SEMSWA’s MS4 Permit Construction Sites Program. Arapahoe County has a similar GESC Manual to manage sediment and waste controls at their construction sites.

SEMSWA and the County determined that utilizing the same GESC Manual would increase efficiencies with construction site plan preparation and review, permitting, inspection, enforcement, and close-out. The efficiencies for SEMSWA staff managing the GESC Permit Program the same in the City and County, and the benefit to the development community and to contractors to have the same requirements, were the overarching goals of this revision process.

The revised 2019 GESC Manual reflects many months of collaboration to achieve a manual that works effectively for SEMSWA, the County, and the regulated community, and provides a Construction Sites program that mitigates pollutants from land disturbing activities in the SEMSWA Service Area.